Friday, March 6, 2015

February TSN...

For our February TSN, the Sole Sisters tried a jewelry making class at Potomac Beads in Alexandria, VA. (

This adventure started with the task of picking out beads for our 3 sets of earrings.  This sounds simple enough, but with 2 huge rooms full of beads, it was no easy feat!   We were instructed to pick beads for a single drop, double drop and cascade earring.

When we finally made our choices, we headed upstairs to the classroom.   The store provided the necessary tools and a cheat sheet.  We started by learning how to make the basic loop with the wire.   I say basic, but it was not a basic skill for all of us. This basic loop waste foundation of all 3 earrings that we made.  Erem's loops started off a little wonky, but she made some beautiful earrings by the end.

Overall, we had a blast.   I can say that 2 out of 4 of us will likely never make earrings again, but we sure had a blast trying something new.

"You want me to do what?"

Amorette is concentrating on her beading!

Molly's finished product